Print Black Toner and get White, Metallic, Neon or Standard Colors!
- No Cutting and Weeding
- Low substrate application temperatures of 100-160°C (212°F-320°F)
- Printing of almost all fabrics & hard surfaces (Cotton, Blended Fabrics, Polyester, Nylon, Polypropylene, Paper, Wood, etc.)
- For Black/White or CMYK Laser/LED Printers and Copiers
- Washable up to 40°C (104°F)
- Fine details and difficult graphics transferable without problems
- Huge time savings
- Unbelievable design and motive possibilities (vintage, used look, fashion, vectors)
- Available in DIN A4, DIN A3, 8,5x11 in., 11x17 in.
Now you can produce self-weeding transfers in white, metallic, neon and standard colors, without a special toner and without cutting and weeding.
The most annoying step, the weeding of the flex foils, is no longer required with this new and innovative material.
Our well known 2-Paper-System now with the difference, that the A-Foil coating is colored with the single colors of White, Metallic or Neon, instead of being transparent. This offers the possibility of very fast production in a cost effective way, without investing in an expensive printing system or plotter.
It has all the combined characteristics of the established Flex Foil, with the additional benefit of our (No-Cut) system.

The 2-Paper-System from FOREVER gives amazing and consistent results.
First print on the transparent A-Foil, press it together with the dark opaque B-Paper LowTemp and separate both sheets from each other while hot.
Now, you have white coverage on the image through the B-Paper LowTemp, which not only increase the opacity of the transfer on dark garments, but also contributes to its washability. Both steps are done at the same temperature. The application tolerances are extremely high, reducing handling errors and allowing the user high flexibility.
This is the transfer foil on which you print your image. It holds the toner extremely well and does not leave any residues in the copier or any background on the garment.
The white opaque coating on the B-Paper sheet only sticks to the toner on the A-Foil and performs so well that even the finest detailed designs can be handled.

Available Formats
DIN A3 (11" x 17")
DIN A4 (8.5" x 11")
Click here to download the Flex-Soft Brochure 
Click here for printing instructions 
NEW - Click below to download the Photoshop ACTION file
Flex-Soft (No-Cut) Image Rasterization Action
Download the brochure on how to create vintage, grunge, and distressed images!! 
Click here for an instructional video 
Click here to jump to the tips and tricks 
Click here to view the printable materials